Saturday, April 18, 2009

Overnight in Galati in a Romanian home

By Donna Cavanaugh
Received Friday, Apr 17, 2009 at 1:21 p.m. Pacific

What an experience we had yesterday (Thursday, April 16). After a wonderful concert at the Adventist church in Galati a friendly Romanian lady came up to us talking a blue streak. We couldn't understand her at first, but with sign language she indicated she wanted us to come sleep at her house. We got our luggage off the bus concerned if she'd have a car big enough. Not to worry – she called a cab and took us and our luggage home.

She showed us what must be their sitting room and pulled the couch out to make a 3/4 size bed. We asked about the restroom and her husband took us outside down the little trail they'd marked and showed us the outhouse. No lights out there; only had to make one more trip in the middle of the night setting the neighbor dogs to barking.

In the morning they took us to the kitchen where Ioan, Maria's husband, brought us in some water to wash with while Maria cooked us eggs, made a salad of fresh and so tasty tomatoes, radishes, young onions Ioan had just pulled and parsley. Maria had home-made bread and yogurt. We couldn't eat as much as she thought we should so she insisted we take bread and yogurt with us.

After loading us with gifts they called a cab and Maria rode with us to meet our group at the hotel. Maria practiced her Spanish with the driver who had spent a year in Spain.. Through a young Romanian man traveling with us she told us what a blessing the men's singing was to her.

I don't think we could adequately express how memorable her kindness was to us.

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