Thursday, April 23, 2009

Musician’s experience at The Black Church

By Levis Dragulin, musician, trumpet
Received Thursday, April 23, 2009 at 11:24 a.m. Pacific

A musician always looks for the perfect place for sound production. The Black Church at Brasov is such a location.

It was a real honor and privilege to glorify God and help strengthen people's faith in this church. Acoustically, there was about three seconds of reverberation. The sound seemed to continue on forever after the ending notes. Although there was no applause allowed (however, one person did applaud after a song and was quickly hushed by those around him), there seemed to be a complete feeling of reverence toward the music and the experience.

Personally, there were times at which I got goose bumps, especially after the ends of songs when the reverb took over. Lou did a fantastic job of directing the chorus, and they in turn did wonderful work, being well in tune and professional in appearance. God must have been smiling down upon us as we performed.

The “Four Hymns of the Second Coming” was especially meaningful because it was a chance to give our central message to an audience that may not put as much importance on it as we do. And, holding out that last high D on my trumpet at the end of the hymn and then listening to it echo afterward was a really satisfying experience. Hopefully another handful of souls will be in Heaven because of this performance.

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